Rebecca Johnson

Welcome to my website, a place for me to share fun things I've done and my coding projects. You can also find my resume on the About Me page.

Great Day of Fishing!

August 6, 2022

bass Had a wonderful time out on the water, I caught my first bass in the kayak! I got out around 7:30 and the water was smooth as glass. I found myself alone most of the time, which is surprising these days.

The rockfall was empty and I deposited my couple of hooks, as usual, and didn't catch anything. Next I went down into the current area, and targed a few submerged logs, which is where I found the bass.

It was so exciting, I was shaking. But I got it in, and if I'd had a scale or ruler, I'd share the numbers. But for now, it was about as long as from the handle on my pole to the first eye.

What a great day on the water!

Struggling with Android Development

August 3, 2022

woman developing an app I've been long attempting to create an Android app for myself, with a C# backend. I've gotten most of the backend written, with a postGreSQL database. It works great on the command line. But UI man, it's just hard. Getting what I want to show up, even basic Hello World programs? A total struggle. But I'll keep at it, that's what I do.

So far, I've written a calorie tracker, and an interface for my time keeping software. All useful things. Eventually I'd like to integrate my IOT things, to track things like power usage, temperature, and stuff, and be able to provide alerts on it. All on my phone. Which will be cool, and quite useful!